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M Cantagallina; Orfeo e Bacco -350


Incisore, disegnatore e pittore, nacque nel 1582 o 1583 molto probabilmente a Borgo Sansepolcro da Giovanni Maria, nobile di origine perugina. L'attività del Cantagallina si svolse prevalentemente a Firenze, dove con i fratelli Giovanni Francesco e Antonio fu allievo alla scuola di Giulio Parigi, del...

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Carlevarijs L; Plazzo Fini sopra Canal Grande - 350


Italian painter and engraver, born in a wealthy Friulian family, who already owned a fief in the 16th century. His father, Giovanni Leonardo, was considered one of the most distinguished local artists of his time. Only a few works of the paternal activities in architecture and...

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Cantarini S; Sacra Famiglia con S.Elisabetta e S. Giovannino - 350


Painter, engraver and draftsman born in Oropezza, near Pesaro, son of Girolamo Cantarini, a merchant and grocer from whom the late Manierist painter G. Giacomo Pandolfi aquired powder colors. This last, together with the Veronese painter Claudio Ridolfi active in Pesaro, was one of the...

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Callot J; Entrée de MM de Couvonge et de Chalabre - 350


French draftsman and engraver, born in the Ducat of Lorraine (at the time, an independent place on the eastern border of France), probably from a noble family linked to the Duke’s. After learning, together with Jaques de Bellange (future painter and engraver), the first rudiments...

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Carracci Ann; Cristo di Caprarola - 350


Italian painter and engraver son of Antonio, a tailor born in Cremona who was transferred at young age to Bologna. Annibale was the younger brother of Agostino and cousin of Ludovico. Within his family he expressed the most innovative and fruitful artistic talent. In Bologna...

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Collaert A; Cristo alla destra del Padre - 350


Adriaen Collaert was an engraver born in Antwerp and belonging to a family of Flemish engravers. There are few biographical information about this author, though many works are known. Son of Hans (or Jan) Collaert I, married to Justa, daughter of the well-known engraver and printer...

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